The centres provide information and trainings for people planning to travel abroad.
The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan manages seven information and education centres for migrants. They aim to equip outgoing Tajikistani migrants with the information and basic skills needed to succeed abroad.
The centres provide basic training on computer literacy, the Russian language (as Russia is a common destination point) and first aid. The centres also provide judicial consultations, and sensitizations on health issues such as the prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis. Centres conduct outreach work in villages among the general population. The centres in Tajikistan provide limited trainings and information and also psychosocial support.
Thirty-five Migration Counters in Albania provide information, advice and referral services to potential migrants, returnees and immigrants in Albania. Mobility Centres in Georgia provide objective information from official sources on the realities of migrating from Georgia to desired countries of destination.
6,720 migrants were served by the seven centres in 2015.
~25,000 brochures on legal, health and social issues were distributed.
Design. [P1] Focused on mitigating the vulnerabilities of people planning to migrate. [P3] Supports aspirations of migrants to move abroad in search of employment.
Implementation. [P5] Links protection and awareness activities.
- Demand for educational classes exceeds project plans.
- Many outgoing migrants are unaware that centres exist to support them, so do not use their facilities.
- Strong links to the communities from which many migrate strengthen the impact of the centres because more people access them as a pre-migration resource.
- The capacity of centres and the range of services available need to be expanded to address the additional demand.
- Services provided should be expanded to include restoring family links (RFL), re-integration, and English classes, etc.
Smart practices
Smart practices report and database survey
About the report
People migrate in pursuit of a better life for themselves and their families. As described in the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) Policy on Migration, “migrants are persons who leave or flee their habitual residence to go to new places – usually abroad – to seek opportunities or safer and better prospects.
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